Jul, 2015No FEAR FINGER: Dr Mirandolino signs his book about prostate

Dr. Mirandolino Mariano Batista signs his book "No FEAR FINGER" - All that man should know about prostate - on July 10, from 19h, at the Cultura Bookshop of Bourbon Country, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Designed to contribute to the prevention of prostate diseases, the book advises, informs and educates, seeking rescue and maintain the quality of life of men.

With detailed scientific information and presented in simple and didactic language, the work explains in seven chapters what is the prostate, PSA, biopsy and diseases (prostatitis, benign hyperplasia and cancer), with many illustrations, photos, charts and the testimony of a cured patient. The preface is by Dr. JJ Camargo, who talks about how to live long and well!

The book also aims to contribute to changing the culture of man who does not do digital rectal examination by prejudice, fear or even carelessness. The test is simple and allows the urologist to evaluate the consistency of the prostate. Many cases of prostate cancer can be detected only in early stage with a digital rectal examination, as well as about 25% of cases of colorectal cancer.

The book is authored by Dr Mirandolino Mariano Batista, head of the Urology Service of Santa Casa de Porto Alegre, and Dr Gilvan Neiva da Fonseca, professor at the Federal University of Goiás. They have written many books for physician audiences together and coordinate laparoscopic courses - Urovídeo, having trained more than 800 doctors from Brazil and several countries.

Fear finger?

Research conducted in 2013 by the Brazilian Society of Urology with 5.000 men revealed that 47% of them never made the digital rectal examination, which detects 72% of prostate disease.

Prejudice, embarrassment and carelessness are the main causes of poor adherence of men to medical appointments and routine tests. With this attitude, they thicken the number of possible affected by prostate cancer, more common than breast cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute (INCA).

In estimating 2014 INCA points 60.180 new cases of prostate cancer for 52,680 breast cancer. It is the most common cancer in men, accounting for 16% of all cases. The disease is rare before age 50 and its incidence increases progressively with age, reaching levels of 60% in men over 80 years.

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Na década de 1980 as cirurgias endoscópicas e laparoscópicas deram um grande salto com o advento das microcâmeras.

Surgiram os primeiros robôs médicos, como o braço robótico PUMA 560, que em 1985 auxiliou uma biópsia durante uma neurocirurgia.



Em 1999 o Dr. Mirandolino Mariano faz a primeira cirurgia por laparoscopia, publicando o relato de caso da técnica pioneira em 2002, no Journal of American Urological Association.