May, 2015Jama Oncology:study reveals prostate and breast cancers had dramatic increases in Brazil

The number of cases of prostate cancer in Brazil increased dramatically from 1990 to 2013, jumping from 18,700 to 96,300, an increase of 414%, according to an international study published in the medical journal "Jama Oncology" on May 29, 2015. The number of breast cancer diagnoses was nearly tripled, from 24,900 to 74,600.

When analyzed the incidence of different types of cancer per 100 thousand inhabitants, considering that the population also grew from 1990 to 2013, the numbers remain high. Prostate cancer grew 127%, and breast, 47.7%. Brain tumor cases and 94% nervous system jumped ...

The data are part of the study called "global cancer burden in 2013", conducted by an international consortium of researchers coordinated by the University of Washington, analyzed 1990 to 2013 data on 188 countries.

See the article The Global Burden of Cancer 2013 on the link below

Check directly in the source.

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Na década de 1980 as cirurgias endoscópicas e laparoscópicas deram um grande salto com o advento das microcâmeras.

Surgiram os primeiros robôs médicos, como o braço robótico PUMA 560, que em 1985 auxiliou uma biópsia durante uma neurocirurgia.



Em 1999 o Dr. Mirandolino Mariano faz a primeira cirurgia por laparoscopia, publicando o relato de caso da técnica pioneira em 2002, no Journal of American Urological Association.